We are grateful for all the support we receive - from our volunteers, friends scheme members, people coming to our shows, local business and organisations hosting our programme brochures, and a myriad of other small acts of generosity. Every year we need to raise £40k to keep the lights on and deliver such a rich range of entertainments.
We are particularly grateful this year for financial support from the following organisation and individuals:
The Tasso Foundation (in association with RMG Associates and as part of East Kent Community Programme*)
The Astor Theatre Friends Scheme
Deal Town Council
Dover District Council -
Walmer Town Council
and The People of Deal through last year's Crowdfund campaign
We are also delighted to receive financial support from our Benefactors enabling us to deliver specific developments and programming initiatives:
Frances Fyfield, Steve & Zenia Ford, Duncan Atkinson KC
* The Astor is proud to be part of the East Kent Community Programme for young people. We provide opportunities to meet the objectives of improving participation in the Arts and giving young people the chance to learn and develop. For more information click on the link East Kent Community Programme